Educational Videos

AARP Family Caregiving Series in Collaboration with CACCC

Loving Life … Understanding Hospice (with English Subtitles)
This program explains hospice care in the United States to the Chinese-American community. Chinese is the third most frequently spoken language in the U.S., according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This video was created by the Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care, which produced the video under contract for Hospice Foundation of America. Hospice Foundation of America funded the project through the Hospice Education and Outreach Project, which is made possible by a grant from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

“Kathy & Windy” features a mother and daughter’s journey confronting mortality. Death is inevitable, but how does one prepare for death? How does one talk about death? The Kathy and Windy story is not just a film about their personal journey; their story sheds light on how we can prepare for and navigate the final chapters of our lives with direction, purpose, and confidence. 

Advance Health Care Directive 醫療照護事前指示 (AHCD)

常見到在許多社會新聞中,一旦傷者或病患重度昏迷、無意識,在完全依賴維生儀器的狀況下,會提到一些關於生命照護權益的文件,其中一份是“醫療照護事前指示”, 英文是 Advance Health Care Directive, 縮寫是 AHCD。
美華慈心關懷聯盟 創辦人及董事會主席陳明慧護理師在這裡和大家一起討論這份文件,和每個人的生命權益有什麼重要關聯 。

Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment 維持生命治療醫囑 (POLST)

現今人們對於生命價值相關各類議題開始注意、倡導注重尊嚴與基本權益,尤其是在生命末期。有許多關於生命醫療照護權益的文件,也紛紛被再次提出關注,其中一份讓許多華人朋友因不熟悉而感到相當困擾的文件 — 維持生命治療醫囑 POLST。美華慈心關懷聯盟 創辦人及目前董事會主席陳明慧護理師在這裡和大家一起討論這份文件,我們面對這份文件時,該如何審視以確保家人或是自己的生命權益與治療品質。

安心茶話屋 The Heart to Heart Cafe
